Evansville Mayoral Candidate Forum

Evansville Mayoral Candidate Forum
Wednesday, August 30, 2023 (7:30 AM - 9:00 AM) (CDT)
Join us for a unique breakfast event from 7:30am-9:00am on Wednesday - August 30th, 2023 at Bally's Evansville, Executive Conference Center (Walnut Rooms A & B) for a moderated discussion with your City of Evansville Mayoral Candidates!
At this event, you will be given the chance to hear from mayoral candidates as they answer questions regarding their individual vision(s) for our city/region, and share perspective on important issues.
7:30am - registration + breakfast buffet
8:00am - Program begins
9:00am - Program concludes
Although the Evansville Regional Economic Partnership (E-REP) does not support or oppose any political candidates, we do strive to keep both our members and the public informed about political candidates.
Individual - Member: $25
Individual Non-Member Registration: $35
Corporate & Community Partner Table: $300
- One Reserved Table of 8
- Table Identification Signage with Logo
- Name recognition on PowerPoint
Regional Visionary Partner: $1,000
- (2) prominently located / reserved tables of 8
- Table Identification Signage with Logo
- Logo recognition on PowerPoint
- Verbal Recognition from Podium in opening/closing remarks.
*In an effort to keep this event as inclusive as possible, we have limited this selection to only three (3) openings. In choosing this partnership tier, please note that it is not in direct support of one mayoral candidate over another and will not be internally or externally conveyed as such. No monetary value provided will support any mayoral campaign. This level supports the holistic advancement of regional initiatives that foster a prosperous Evansville, and a thriving region.
421 N.W. Riverside Dr.
Evansville, IN 47708-1047 United States
*Advocacy & Public Policy Events
*Networking Events
*Evansville Regional Economic Partnership Events