Common Grounds: Coffee + Connection: New Tech Institute

Common Grounds: Coffee + Connection: New Tech Institute
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) (CST)
Today’s Story: New Tech Institute
EVSC New Tech Institute High School is a full-day high school that opened in 2010 as an Innovative Model High School in the EVSC. We are a member of the nationwide New Tech Network, and our mission is to: "Provide relevant project-based learning and leadership in an atmosphere of trust, respect, and responsibility." We champion project-based learning, STEM, and 21st Century Skills such as Knowledge and Thinking, Written Communication, Oral Communication, Collaboration, and Agency. We are a small, close-knit family-like atmosphere where students can learn in a collaborative and caring environment.
Linda Schaffer is the teacher of the Entrepreneurial Academy at New Tech Institute. She will provide an overview of the goals in the Entrepreneurial Academy. Each group in Mrs. Schaffer's junior class will present their business ideas. From this class is the first place winner of the University of Evansville ChangeMaker Challenge. This group, Elie Duff and Jacob Barnwell, won full scholarships to UE. Come learn about what this class is working on!
8:00 AM - Doors Open, get your cup of Joe Brewski coffee
8:30 AM - A five minute story highlighting something (or someone) innovative, entrepreneurial or simply positive happening in our community.
9:00 AM - Party’s over but you’re welcome to continue conversations in the lobby at Innovation Pointe
All are welcome to come and go at any time. No registration required.
Great Coffee, Great People and Stories featuring Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Evansville region. This bi-weekly event is hosted by E-REP and made possible through the support of Evansville Tech-on-Tap with special thanks to Joe Brewski.
318 Main Street, Suite 101
Evansville, IN 47708 United States
*Networking Events