Common Grounds: Coffee + Connection

Common Grounds: Coffee + Connection
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) (CDT)
Today’s Story: Habitat for Humanity of Evansville, Elspeth Urbina and Brock Stone
Elspeth Urbina is the Director of Development for Habitat for Humanity of Evansville. She is an Evansville native who developed strong ties in the community while working for the Evansville Otters baseball team over the course of 8 years. Her passion to give back to the community led her to the non-profit sector, where she has served in development roles for the past 3 years. She is currently on the steering committee of E-Rep’s Young Professional Alliance and is a member of the Evansville Area Fundraising Council.

Elspeth will be discussing how community volunteers impact the work of Habitat for Humanity in our community. She will be discussing misconceptions people have about Habitat homes, talk about how volunteers drive the work that they do, and how this all plays together to uplift our community. Elspeth and Brock will also briefly discuss how individuals can volunteer to help at Habitat if interested.
8:00 AM - Doors Open, get your cup of Evansville Coffee Company coffee
8:30 AM - A five minute story highlighting something (or someone) innovative, entrepreneurial or simply positive happening in our community.
9:00 AM - Party’s over but you’re welcome to continue conversations in the lobby at Innovation Pointe
All are welcome to come and go at any time. No registration required.
Great Coffee, Great People and Stories featuring Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Evansville region. This bi-weekly event is hosted by E-REP and made possible through the support of Evansville Tech-on-Tap with special thanks to Honey Moon Coffee.
318 Main Street, Suite 101
Evansville, IN 47708 United States
*Networking Events